Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Somebody likes to eat

Not much has been going on lately, so I've tried to take some time away from the computer. You all know how it goes.

Really, I don't have anything new to report. I went to see Grammy, Memaw Pate and Memaw and Paw for a short weekend a while back and had a good time. Well ... for the most part. Sorry for keeping you up so late that one night, Grammy. My belly was hurting when I woke up and I was not in a good mood. But after some Tylenol, we all figured it was good exercise to run around the island in Grammy's kitchen until about 1 a.m. I'm sure Grammy thought the same thing the next morning when she got up for work.

Otherwise, it's been quiet on the home front. I've figured out how to eat with a spoon ... kind of (see video above). Had an ear infection and got over it ... only to get a second ear infection a week later. Yuck. And Mommy and I have practiced making mean faces, while Papa and I have practiced eating ice cream! Mmmmm.

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