Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!

So before I head home for Christmas, I had to blog one last time. But this one will be a quick one.

I've been doing well. As you know, over the Thanksgiving holiday I met Santa Claus for the first time. Weird dude. And then I saw him again! At school. And then I saw him a third time this past week at church. Uh ... I'm not a fan. Let's just get that clear. It's the white beard. I just don't trust a guy in a red suit with a white beard who hands out candy.

Most of you will see me within days. I just couldn't resist sharing a recipe with everyone. Nana was down to visit for my birthday, and she brought some treats with her -- Reindeer Poop.

Despite the name, it's soooo good. So I had some.

If your Christmas is as good as the Reindeer Poop, then I'm sure you'll have a blessed time. I love everyone, and let's wish a happy birthday to Jesus!

Hudson W. Pate

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